Sunday, 21 July 2013

Jacks 1st Kayak fishing trip 20/07/2013

Me and my son Jack (7) met up with a few lads at Runswick Bay yesterday to take delivery of the latest Stealth kayak arrivals Chris arrived with a trailer full of brightly coloured kayaks of all shapes and sizes including some very nice carbon/kevlar models

The North Yorkshire Coast is starting to look more like the beaches of South Africa with all these ski's appearing
But this was the one that I was most looking forward to seeing my long awaited Stealth Evolution DUO

Me and Jack had a quick look around it and with Jack very keen on getting afloat we trollied it to the water

After a short paddle I let Jack drop some feathers down and showed him how to work them just off bottom and it made my day seeing him hook and land his first kayak fish only Mackerel but great to see him enjoying himself

after the fishing we spent a few hours just paddling about before having our dinner on the beach towards Kettleness

Jack relaxing with his lunch not a care in the world

I eventually managed to convince him it was hometime much to his dissapointment as he was loving the new hobbie

and a quick pic of his catch

A cracking day and hopefully the start of some great adventures

A Dawn raid on the Pollack grounds 19/07/2013

There is no better way of ending the last nightshift of the week than a dawn raid trolling lures in crstal clear kelp filled waters so as the sun was just about up I was launching into a fantastic sunrise

As I began to paddle out through a gap in the rockwork where the tide was funneling through I noticed some action on the surface with a few fish attacking baitfish in very shallow water possibly Bass I should have really had a few casts at these fish but instead just watched in awe as I headed into deeper water

After almost an hour of inactivity the rod tipped pulled hard round and line peeled from the spool as a Pollock was diving for cover after a short but hard scrap I could see the fish well down in the clear water over 30ft visibility today and soon had a nice Pollock in the net

A new PB pulling the scales down to 6lb 10oz

I managed another small Pollock and a small Coalie before taking some sub surface pics

A pleasant way to finish the working week


Tuesday, 16 July 2013

First session in a sea Kayak

I have recently taken the decision to try my hand in a proper sea kayak and was delighted to be shown the ropes by two very experienced friends Ken and Fi and a shiny new Delphin 155 from 1st wet & wild
I couldn't have had a better introduction to it than having Ken and Fi to answer all my questions and also demonstrate different moves loved the day thanks again guys
some pics of the day thanks to Fi's photography skills

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