Over the past few months the fishing has taken a back seat as I have been putting in the hours getting to grips with my Sit Inside Kayak A P&H Delphin 155

After an exciting trip to Filey Brigg joined by Ken Oliver and Dave Adamson myself and Mark were shown what can be achieved with some skill and confidence in the surf, I was still finding my feet in the Delphin so didn't throw myself into the challenging stuff as much as I should but still managed a face full of shingle and bubbles

There was a big northerly sea running and we could get close to the dangerous water whilst sheltering behind Filey Brigg which was awesome with big swells hitting the brigg and smashing spray high into the air with the odd wall of white water making it over to play in also managed a few more practiced recues with Ken really enjoy this sort of thing with Ken and also some tips on bracing which I’ve managed to build on over the last few sessions

All of this gave me the confidence to go out solo even in some quite challenging conditions lately however Mark has joined me on most trips out but managed to stay upright without incident so far

Really looking forward to learning a bit more and possibly training for some BCU * awards with Ken in the near future along with some trips to new places also GOT to get to grips with “Rolling” too!