Myself and Jack headed up to St Abbs yesterday with Mark to try and find some Pollack and clear water after an early start we were on the water for just after 5am and it didn't take long to get Jack attached to a really angry Pollack he did great controlling such a powerful fish but Dad had to drag it from the kelp once he didn't want a trophy shot of the fish as it wasn't a pb at around 3lb+ so I released it in the water and set off to find its bigger siblings
I managed one around the same size on a Fiish minnow worked hard in the kelp and also had a Mackerel but the fishing was tougher than expected with Jack only managing a few small Coalfish on the plugs
I had one drift close in to the cliff face and managed a real scrapper of a Pollack around 6-7lb really sporting on light tackle and great to see swim back to the depths to fight another day too
We decided on a paddle south crossing the harbour and getting in tight to the rocks at Coldingham bay I managed to winkle out a couple more Pollack but the swell picked up a bit on this side making getting tight tricky
The numbers of jellyfish of all shapes sizes and colours was amazing to see and fired me up to get back up with my snorkel soon
Really exciting to be in the narrow channels threading your way through the gaps in time with the swells but as Myself and Jack shot through a gap on a swell I turned around to see mMark coming through the gap just as the gulley was emptying I shouted a warning to him of the Rock directly in front of him but it was too late as he turned the swell slammed him down on to the rock and it sounded bad so we headed for the harbour to asses the damage
On inspection it had just caught the scupper cover and pulled it off and tore the bond from the scupper tube so had taken on a bit of water this prematurely ended our trip we could have temp repaired with the 2k epoxy from our kit but would have made the at home repair a lot more time consuming good thing about the Glass kayaks pretty easy to get looking like new
So myself and Jack took the opportunity to brush up on some skills in the harbour just as much fun as the fishing we really enjoyed ourselves and all preperation for him if he ever has to deal with a real situation
A really enjoyable day
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